| | Artist: | Price: | Available: | Size: |
|  Greg Hildebrandt | $500 | 0 | 11.5x9 |

Description: Painting for Card # 29/140 of the Magic Unhinged Edition card set. Published by Wizards of the Coast. Signed by Greg Hildebrandt
“In May of 2003 my brother Tim had a stroke. Fully hoping he would recover fully and paint with me again I made certain business decisions to protect him. My first decision was to not make the industry aware of Tim’s stroke. The second decision was to paint certain Magic cards and credit Tim on the cards. My intention was to keep his name in front of our fans, and to give him time to recover and come back to work. Unfortunately he never did come back to work.
This painting is one of those pieces that I painted and gave Tim the credit on the printed Magic card. It was my way of helping my twin brother.
At this point it is necessary to clarify these pieces to our fans.
If by doing this I have offended or misled anyone I am truly sorry”.
Greg Hildebrandt